Online course Programming
in Python 3
for the 2020 EdCrunch Award
Python 3 Online Course is designed for beginner developers and will help to master one of the most common programming languages, with which you can create websites, bots, Desktop-applications, as well as process and analyze large amounts of data.
In learning Python, you will become familiar with not only the language basics But you will also learn a lot about programming as a discipline.
The training program includes a series of video lessons on Python, practice on a special simulator, and instructor support.
Programming lessons in Python 3 from scratch shape the students sustainable skills work with language and also develop logical thinking.
By taking Python's online training, you will learn how to:
Install and run the Python interpreter.
Work with built-in data types.
Create and modify files in different encodings.
Work with tuples, lists, sets, and dictionaries.
Avoid and correct common syntactic and logical errors.
Intercept and handle exceptions.
Manage the flow of program execution.
Use loops to traverse lists, dictionaries, and files.
Design and use functions to solve different types of problems.
Work with modules and libraries.
Create virtual environments and install new packages.
Create your own classes and objects.
The Python 3 online course is suitable for both novice programmers and experienced developers,
who want to quickly master the language and learn its subtleties.
The course will teach you how to write Python programs from scratch, learn the syntax of the language, master basic programming concepts, and familiarize you with the standard library.
Python is one of the best languages for beginners.
Learn a new language quickly. Familiarize yourself with the syntax and standard library, learn about the differences and features of Python.
Learn how to process information using one of the most powerful languages for working with data. You will be able to transform any information into a convenient and understandable form.
A comprehensive online Python course with short video tutorials and lots of practice.
Learning Python from scratch to the latest version of the language.
Learn what Python is and how the language came to be.
Learn how to install and run the Python programming environment.
Familiarize yourself with the development environment PyCharm .
Learn how to work with notes in Jupyter Notebook .
Practice running programs in different ways.
Teach how to accept data through command line arguments and from the standard input stream.
Write your first programs.
Familiarize yourself with Python's built-in data types.
Learn how to process strings and numbers.
You will learn what slices and string methods are.
Learn how to format strings in different ways.
Familiarize yourself with the f-string
Learn how to read and write data to files.
Understand the different coding and modes of operation.
Learn how to work with lists in Python.
Learn how lists are stored in RAM.
Practice copying, reversing and converting sequences.
Familiarize yourself with nested lists and matrices.
Learn how to convert strings, files, and lists into each other.
Learn about the peculiarities of using lists with f-lines
Familiarize yourself with the dictionaries at Python.
Learn about the limitations and possibilities of keys.
Explore popular methods of working with dictionaries.
Learn how to put lists and vocabulary into each other.
Learn about the peculiarities of using lists with f-lines
Get to know sets in detail. Learn how to use sets together with lists. Learn how quickly the in operator works with different data types. Master operations on sets.
Learn how variables are stored in RAM.
Learn how to avoid popular mistakes and work effectively with data.
Learn more about assignment.
Learn how to write and read documentation.
Learn about the limitations of variable names.
Familiarize yourself with conditional construction.
Learn how to control the flow of program execution.
Familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of indentation in Python.
Learn about the specifics of how the cycle works for в Python.
Learn to use the functions range и listed .
Figure out how to loop through lists, dictionaries, and strings.
Familiarize yourself with the concept of iterators.
Learn how to work with infinite loops while .
Learn how to efficiently wrangle large files in Python.
Learn how to sort lists and dictionaries.
Learn to write your own functions and subroutines.
Deal with positional and key arguments.
Learn how functions interact with the program.
Familiarize yourself with the two types of data visibility.
Learn how to import modules and third-party libraries.
Learn how import and from work
Familiarize yourself with the Python standard library.
Learn what virtual environments are
and learn how to create isolated environments.
Learn how to use the pip package manager to install external packages.
Familiarize yourself with classes in Python.
Learn what encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism are.
Learn how to create classes and objects.
Learn about methods and properties of classes.
Familiarize yourself with exceptions in Python.
Learn how to make the program more robust.
The Python course consists of short video lessons and practical exercises on a special simulator.
After registration you will be opened free modules so that you can evaluate the presentation of the material.
By paying for the course, you will receive full online access to all video tutorials, simulator, instructor solutions and support forum.
The theoretical part of the Python course consists of video lessons in HD quality that you can watch online from any device at any time. No boring webinars.
Each lesson is carefully designed and recorded by an experienced practicing teacher. This is why in our courses it's all business and no water.
And we're also regularly update Python courses and lessons to keep them up to date.
For skill consolidation Python 3 programming, after each lesson you have to solve a series of tasks in an interactive simulator.
The tasks are analyzed by a special program that not only checks the answer but also the quality of the code. In case of errors the program gives detailed hints.
After successfully solving the assignment, you will be able to view reference code instructor, which often contains multiple solutions.
If you have any questions, you can always ask them in the forum and our teachers, assistants or students will answer them within 24 hours .
We help all students both in solving assignments and understanding complex theoretical concepts.
Student support is our priority task .
Winner of the VI International Competition
educational projects EdCrunch Award 2020 .
First place in the special nomination "Programming." among more than 100 courses from leading private and public educational institutions in Russia and the CIS.
Students who learn the theory and solve all the problems - receive a certificate of completion of the online Python programming course.
You can add the certificate to your resume or send the link to your employer.
A certificate is a validation of your skills and knowledge.
68 positive feedback, average rating
Self-study on
Over 6 hours of video
Tutorials, code samples
Refresh your knowledge at any time
No access to assignments
No assistance is provided
No course completion document available
Supplement the training with hands-on assignments
Over 10 hours of video
Tutorials, examples, checklists
300+ tasks on the simulator
Course completion document
No assistance is available
Maximum opportunities for deep learning
Over 15 hours of video
Schemes, methodologies, reference solutions
400+ assignments with automatic checking
Answers to questions within 24 hours
Confirmation of your skills
Our program is aimed at beginner developers and covers both basic topics in Python as well as programming and algorithmic fundamentals.
Either way, we recommend giving it a try. First 36 lessons and 103 assignments available free of charge as soon as you register. This is enough to evaluate the submission and complexity of the materials.
All lessons are recorded and available Online immediately after registration - training can begin at any time .
You can watch the lessons at your convenience from any device, although we recommend using a computer or laptop.
In paid plans, you can download video files to watch them Offline even when there is no internet.
Yes, you can. We have no deadlines or time limits for the course.
You can go on vacation in peace and then continue with your classes.
However, we don't recommend doing large re-runs so that you don't forget previously covered material.
In case of long interruptions, you always you can start at the beginning .
Some students complete the course in a month, others need a year.
The length of your training depends on your goals, initial training and the time you are willing to spend studying. We recommend setting aside at least three months .
Under each lesson and assignment there is a mini forum where students can communicate with the teacher and each other.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them through the forum and you will be will definitely help .
Help usually arrives within 24 hours.
Yes, you can upgrade to Premium at any time and get access to all tasks and support.