Online course Programming
in JavaScript
for the EdCrunch Award
Complete online JavaScript course is suitable for novice web-developers and will help to master the most common language for developing client applications.
In learning JavaScript, you will be introduced not only to the language basics But you will also learn a lot about how the Internet works, browsers, and server-side development on the Internet. Node.js .
The training program includes a series of video lessons on JavaScript, practice on a special simulator, and instructor support.
The course will not only familiarize you with modern features and syntax JavaScript ,
but you'll also learn how to interact with the browser, and learn the basics of Node.js
Execute JavaScript scripts in the browser.
Run server-side JavaScript programs in Node.js.
Work with data types.
Convert data types between each other.
Work with arrays, objects, and dictionaries.
Write efficient code using functional programming.
Intercept and handle exceptions.
Create objects, object constructors, and classes.
Create functions in different ways.
Import and export modules.
Utilize colbacks, promises, and closures.
Work with prototypes and prototype inheritance.
Track user-generated and browser-generated events.
Manage forms and windows.
Change page styles.
Modify the page structure.
Create AJAX requests to the server.
Handle server-side requests in Node.js.
Store data in Cookie and DataStorage.
Interact with Web Sockets.
The course is designed for beginning programmers who want to
dig deep JavaScript language with an emphasis on client-side web programming and browser operations.
The course will also be useful for mobile app developers who want to
create cross-platform solutions on React Native and other frameworks.
JavaScript is main language to develop the frontend part of web-sites.
The course will not only introduce you to the syntax and basic features of JS, but also teach you how to browser control .
If you are already familiar with HTML and CSS and want to further develop in the field of client-side development, the JavaScript course will help you to master all necessary concepts and language techniques.
JavaScript is at the heart of the framework React Native which is used to create mobile applications.
In the course, you will learn JS in depth and be able to apply the language with different libraries and frameworks.
A complete online JavaScript course with short video tutorials and lots of practice.
Teaching browser-based programming in JS.
Learn the history and basics of JavaScript.
Learn how to install Node.js
Run your first JS script.
Familiarize yourself with variables and constants.
Learn how to work with strings and numbers.
You'll find out what null different from undefined .
Practice converting data types.
Familiarize yourself with JS objects.
Master basic operations on objects.
Learn how to create and manage arrays.
Familiarize yourself with the basics of functional programming.
You'll try the function map .
Familiarize yourself with conditional construction.
Learn how to create loops while и for .
Learn how to loop through arrays and objects.
Create your own row template and fill it with data.
Learn how to create functions and subroutines.
You will learn how to pass parameters to a function and return a value from it.
Familiarize yourself with the different options for defining functions.
You'll learn how to create arrow functions.
Master the delayed start control with setTimeout и setInterval .
Learn how to create and invoke colbacks, as well as how to work with closures.
Learn about the features of recursion in JavaScript.
Learn how to create object constructors.
You'll learn about the role this .
Familiarize yourself with the type Icon .
Create an enumerable object.
Learn how to create getters and setters.
Learn prototypical inheritance in JavaScript.
Learn how to use prototypes with object constructors.
Familiarize yourself with the basics of LLC in JavaScript.
Learn how to create and inherit classes.
Learn how public and private methods.
Master method overrides, constructor overrides, and getters and setters.
Create your own static properties.
Learn how to work with designs try...catch .
Learn how to create your own exceptions.
Familiarize yourself with the concept of promisons.
Learn how to create promis chains.
Master asynchronous calls.
Learn how to search for elements in the DOM.
Learn how to change page styles.
Master the management of document structure.
Learn how to intercept browser events.
Learn to delegate.
Master the handling of custom events.
Familiarize yourself with the operation of the mouse and keyboard.
Learn how to interact with forms on the page.
Master the basic events of the forms.
Learn how to create your own windows.
Learn how windows interact with each other.
Learn how to send AJAX requests.
Learn how to set up a connection between the server and the browser through the WebSocket .
Learn how to store data in a cookie.
Learn how to use browser vaults.
The JS course consists of short video tutorials and a set of practical exercises on a simulator.
After registration you will be opened free lessons so that you can evaluate the presentation of the material.
After paying for the course, you will receive full online access to all video tutorials, simulator, teacher solutions and support.
The theoretical part of the JavaScript course consists of video lessons in 1080p HD quality that you can watch online from any device at any time.
All lessons can be downloaded to your computer.
Each lesson is carefully designed and recorded by an experienced practicing teacher.
For skill consolidation JavaScript programming, after each lesson you have to solve a series of tasks in an interactive simulator.
Tasks are automatically checked by a special program for Node.js .
After successfully solving the assignment, you will be able to view reference code instructor, which often contains multiple solutions.
If you have any questions, you can always ask in the forum and our teachers, assistants or students will answer them within 24 hours .
We help all students both in solving assignments and understanding complex theoretical concepts.
Student support is our priority task .
Students who learn the theory and solve all the problems - receive a certificate of completion of the JavaScript course.
You can add the certificate to your resume or send the link to your employer.
A certificate is a validation of your skills and knowledge.
Learn JavaScript basics at your convenience
Over 6 hours of video
Tutorials, tables, code samples
You can go back to the materials
There's no access
No assistance is available
No confirmation of course completion
Practicing and deepening knowledge
Over 9 hours of video
Tutorials, checklists, code samples
200+ tasks on the simulator
Confirmation of programming skills
No help available
Maximize your JavaScript learning experience
Over 12 hours of video
Checklists, charts, reference solutions
300+ assignments with automatic checking
Answers to questions within 24 hours
Course completion document
Our program is aimed at beginner developers and covers both JavaScript syntax and techniques for working with the browser and events.
Either way, we recommend giving it a try. First 7 lessons and 7 assignments available free of charge as soon as you register. This is enough to evaluate the submission and complexity of the materials.
All lessons are recorded and available Online immediately after registration - training can begin at any time .
You can watch the lessons at your convenience from any device, although we recommend using a computer or laptop.
In paid plans, you can download video files to watch them Offline even when there is no internet.
Yes, you can. We have no deadlines or time limits for the course.
You can safely go on vacation and then continue with your classes.
However, we don't recommend doing large re-runs so that you don't forget previously covered material.
In case of long interruptions, you always you can start at the beginning .
Some students complete the course in a month, others need a year.
The length of your training depends on your goals, initial training and the time you are willing to spend studying. We recommend setting aside at least three months .
Under each lesson and assignment there is a mini forum where students can communicate with the teacher and each other.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them through the forum and you will be will definitely help .
Help usually arrives within 24 hours.