Excellent course on algorithms and data structures. The structure of material presentation is well built - first the principle of work of each algorithm is clearly explained by means of video sketches demonstrating the process of algorithm execution and only then the program implementation of the studied material is given. Such a presentation allowed me to realize 90-95% of algorithms and data structures on my own, and then only to check with the author's solution.
Regarding the question "who is this course for?": algorithms and data structures are really longer and more difficult to learn and understand than the more practical basics of frameworks like Django. But algorithms allow you to improve your OOP skills and learn how to write scalable code. Besides, you can easily hear questions on the first half of this course even at interviews of junior developers. That's why I would recommend the first half of the course (up to and including recursion) to those who already have experience of working with frameworks and may be planning to look for or have already found their first job in the nearest future. I would rather start studying the second half of the course as a more experienced specialist
Nikita, thank you for this wonderful course!
Online programming courses
Programming Training,
layout and databases from scratch